


ASEAN Senior Officer Health Division Visit to AIDHM Secretariat


Date: Friday, 17 February 2023 |  AIDHM Secretariat, PKMK UGM Yogyakarta

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PKMK FK-KMK UGM Documentation: ASEAN Senior Officer Health Division welcomed by Vice Dean for Cooperation, Alumni, and Community Service FK-KMK UGM, Director for Health Policy and Management Department UGM, Chairman of Disaster Working Group, and AIDHM Team

AIDHM-Yogyakarta. ASEAN Senior Officer Health Division Socio-Culture Community Department, Jim P. Catampongan visiting to AIDHM Secretariat was welcomed by Dr. dr. Sudadi Sp.An., KNA., KAR Vice Dean for Cooperation, Alumni, and Community Service FK-KMK UGM, Dr dr Andreasta Meliala M.Kes, MAS, DPH Director of Health Policy and Management Department UGM, Sutono, S.Kp., M.Sc., M.Kep Chairman of the Disaster Working Group, apt. Gde Yulian, M.Epid Disaster Working Group Consultant and AIDHM team.

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PKMK FK-KMK UGM Documentation: Brief Discussion regarding the upcoming ARDEX, ARCH PROJECT for ASEAN AAC, Looking forward facility of AIDHM Secretariat

Jim P. Catampongan expressed his gratitude for being able to visit Indonesia, especially at the AIDHM secretariat. This visit was made to explore and familiarize with the purposed AIDHM secretariat. Jim added that actually AIDHM will conduct a lot of learning education aspects (training, research, conference, workshop) outside the secretariat and we don’t use another space. As he said, AIDHM secretariat will be used for coordination and meetings. Further, apt. Gde Yulian, M.Epid added that the industrial era 4.0 will use a lot of digitalization technology. The AIDHM Secretariat has implemented digitization such as server rooms, teleconference devices, and monitors in support of Indonesia's National Focal Point (NFP) coordination.

Brief discussion on the involvement of the ASEAN Institute Disaster Health Management (AIDHM) in ASEAN Regional Disaster Emergency Response Simulation Exercise (ARDEX). Jim, added that in the future there will be further discussions regarding the legal documents and TOR of the AIDHM process. In addition, Jim said the ARCH Project team will hold a coordination meeting in April in preparation for the ASEAN Regional Academic Conference (AAC) which will be held in Yogyakarta in October 2023. This meeting preparation was made as a follow-up to the ASEAN Academic Network on Disaster Health Management (AANDHM) meeting on 30 January 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. Indonesia was chosen to be host the 2nd ASEAN Regional Academic Conference (AAC).

The Health Crisis Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health has collaborated with FK-KMK UGM in develop the AAC committee which can be downloaded at the following link.

Reported by Gusti Sultan Arifin (FK-KMK UGM)