Look to next generation technology
The international community spends around $25bn [£20bn] per year to provide life-saving assistance to people devastated by wars and natural disasters. According to the United Nations, this is $15bn [£12bn] short of what is urgently needed. Next generation technology like robotics and AI can radically increase the efficiency (time savings) and productivity (cost savings) of humanitarian efforts. Patrick Meier, humanitarian technology consultant, WeRobotics, Washington DC, US, @patrickmeier, @werobotics
2 | Encourage a ‘bottom-up’ approach
I firmly believe that technology will be a key enabler in allowing us to make humanitarian response beneficiary-driven – a 180 degree change from the top down approach we currently have. It will give beneficiaries a voice and a tool to self-organise. The big question is how long it will take the humanitarian community to adapt to this changed landscape. Gisli Rafn Olafsson, humanitarian adviser, NetHope, San Francisco, US, @gislio
3 | Share data and collaborate with other organisations
Efficiency comes when we open up our data, when we start collaborating more and when we put the beneficiary into the driver’s seat of providing us with data. We must focus on what factors are limiting our ability to respond in an efficient manner. We must improve collaboration. We must increase sharing of information. Technology can help us do that, but unless you want to work with others, and unless you want to share information and tackle the political issues we face within the humanitarian community – then technology is not a magic bullet to solve the problems of humanitarian response. Gisli Rafn Olafsson
4 | Take a rights-based approach
We must not lose sight of rights in our quest for improved outcomes. Just because you are a humanitarian organisation, it doesn’t mean the data you collect won’t be used to harm people. In fact, humanitarian organisations collect data on some of the most vulnerable populations in the world, under the most extreme threat models. At Benetech we encourage organisations to adopt end-to-end encryption wherever possible, and to adopt serious security protocols when working with data. Keith Hiatt, vice president, human rights programme, Benetech
5 | Take advantage of tech to speed-up response
Cash relief is one of the most efficient and effective forms of humanitarian response, and by taking advantage of technology advances in electronic payments we can reach people in need securely, faster and more cost effectively than many other forms of aid. Daphne Jayasinghe, senior policy and advocacy adviser, economic programmes, International Rescue Committee, London, UK @djayasinghe
6 | Don’t underestimate ‘simple’ innovations
The simple adoption of mobile data collection within humanitarian response has been one of the more impactful developments I’ve watched unfold. There’s quite a lot of attention put on to data visualisation and “big data” analytics – but the instant gratification of cutting a once day-long process of data entry into an instant upload shows that sometimes the simplest “innovations” can have the most impact. Rosa Akbari, senior technology for development adviser, Mercy Corps, New York, US, @mercycorps_uk
7 | Technology is just part of the solution
We often put too much focus on the technology – in particular on the bells and whistles of new technology. Of course it is fun to have a shiny new toy and of course, we all want to be able to use the newest buzzwords such as big data, drone etc. Technology is simply a tool that can be used to help solve problems and increase efficiency. Like other tools, if wrongly used, then they don’t increase efficiency and even create more problems than they solve. Gisli Rafn Olafsson
Technology will only ever help in humanitarian response if we’re really clear about the nature of the problem. I believe drones can be a useful part of the toolkit for assessment of disasters if they are used to complement existing assessment tools. Kate Hargreaves, director of Crown Agents Foundation, London, UK @crownagents
8 | Improve what is already available
A better problem analysis is often needed before the introduction of new technologies. More attention should be paid on how the humanitarian organisations could continually assess the development and potential of technologies and understand their impact on the changing needs of affected populations. Dikolela Kalubi, programme manager, ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland
9 | Understand the power – and pitfalls – of social media
Social media can be a useful source of information from communities where they are familiar with this technology. It is also a great way for communities to hold aid agencies to account. In Iraq, for example, many displaced people have been using social media to spread awareness of poor conditions in refugee camps. However, there are millions of people who do not have access to such tools. We need to make sure that an over-reliance on social media doesn’t exclude the most vulnerable.
In many of the countries that experience emergencies, social media users tend to be better off, male and urban. This creates a large bias in the social media traffic. The same problem exists for other methods of crowdsourcing information. Agencies should be aware of this risk and limitation. Jean-Martin Bauer, analyst, World Food Programme, Rome, Italy, @bauer_jm, @mobileVAM
10 | Leave no one behind
We have made major strides in expanding coverage of mobile technology in particular, however there are still many people who are at risk of being left behind. How do we get the next 2 billion people connected and online? The unconnected population is predominantly located in developing world markets, typically on low incomes and lacking basic and digital literacy skills. Women are disproportionately affected by these challenges. Innovation in last mile infrastructure and connectivity, digital literacy, accessibility and affordability are key issues at the policy level, but equally important are the strategies that response agencies/organisations have at the community level to ensure that no one is left behind. Kyla Reid, head of disaster response and digital identity, GSMA Mobile for Development, London, UK
11 | Make sure technology is for good
To invoke the Kranzberg’s first law of technology: “Technology is not good; nor is it bad; neither is it neutral.” Tech for good efforts might help, but they might make things worse. There is nothing intrinsic about tech that makes it always helpful or good. We are responsible for the “good” in tech. And that requires a framework, and code, that takes into account dignity, rights, and the humanity of the communities we seek to serve. Keith Hiatt
12 | Tech is only as good as the organisations that use it
We need to reshape aid so it is fit for the 21st century. This means being proactive in response to risks, collaborating across organisations, localising response and thinking about all this from the perspective of those who are affected by crises. Tech is only one part of that transformation and it will be as good or as misguided as the institutions and mindsets which utilise it. Luke Caley, crisis anticipation adviser, Start Network, London, UK @LukeCaley
Read the full Q&A here