

E-Book Bencana

Berisi buku elektronik dan buletin dari dalam dan luar negeri tentang penanggulangan bencana dan kebencanaan.

Tsunami Aceh Dalam Gambar


cover pedoman penanggulangan krisis kesehatan

Indonesia    Inggris 
buku aceh 3th
Tiga Tahun Kegiatan RS. Dr. Sardjito di Aceh

buku disaster prepardness
Disaster preparedness and mitigation

buku pedoman teknis penanggulangan krisis bencana
Buku Pedoman Teknis Penanggulangan Krisis Kesehatan Akibat Bencana Tahun 2007
buku spm
Buku Saku Sistem Standar Pelayanan Minimum Kesehatan (SPM)

buku natural flood
Catchment Based Management (CBFM)dan Natural Flood Management (NFM)

buku cracking ip
Cranking Up the Intensity: Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events

Buku 1: Konsep Pengelolaan Risiko Bencana di IndonesiaPedoman Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK)


Buku 2: Pendekatan PRBBK di Indonesia


Buku 3: Teknik dan Alat PRBBK

buku-baru Buku 4: Pembelajaran PRBBK di Indonesia
buku-baru  Field Operations Guide for Disaster Assessment and Response
buku-baru  Proceedings of the joint workshop_the role of hydrometeorological services in disaster risk management
buku-baru  Capacity Needs Assessment for Disaster Preparedness and Response
buku-baru Disaster Emergency Need Assessment
buku-baru Disaster Mitigation
buku-baru Disaster Mitigation_A Guide for Community-Based Organizations
buku-baru Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific_an institutional and policy analysis (2012)
buku-baru Gawat Darurat Kesehatan Masyarakat Pada Bencana: Konsep Yang Belum Mendapat Perhatian Selayaknya
A Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Hospitals in Kathmandu Valley
PEDOMAN Penanggulangan Banjir2007 - BAKORNAS
Disaster Preparedness For Effective Response
Promotio Guidelines For Public Health Promotion in Emergencies
Hospitals Safe from Disasters: Hospital Safety Index Guide for Evaluators
Volcanic and the blessing of volcanoes
WHO-PAHO Guidelines For The Use Of Foreign Field Hospitals In The Aftermath Of Sudden-Impact Disasters
World Heritage Volcanoes
Disaster Management Model
Public Health Guide For Emergencies