

Reportase hari 1 Workshop dan Simulasi Hospital Disaster Plan RSUD Ungaran

Reportase hari 1

Workshop dan Simulasi Hospital Disaster Plan RSUD Ungaran, Jawa Tengah

Ungaran, 9-10 Agutus 2016

pembukaan 1

Kali ini, Tim Manajemen Bencana, Pusat Kebijakan Manajemen Kesehatan kembali mengadakan seminar dan workshop HDP. RSUD Ungaran kali ini memilih paket pemantapan HDP (review dan revisi) serta simulasi untuk menguji dokumen HDP yang sudah dimiliki.
Sekurangnya, ada 75 peserta yang mendapat seminar dan sosialisasi HDP di RSUD Ungaran kali ini. Peserta terdiri dari unsur pimpinan, pelayanan, perencanaan, logistik, rumah tangga, hingga keamanan.

pembukaan 2 

Sambutan sekaligus pembukaan langsung disampaikan oleh Direktur RSUD Ungaran. Beliau menyambut dengan baik antusias pokja bencana di rumah sakit untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan ini sehingga rumah sakit lebih mengetahui hal-hal apa saja yang masih kurang dan harus dilengkapi oleh rumah sakit untuk siaga dalam menghadapi bencana. Beliau sangat berharap seluruh peserta mengikuti dengan baik proses seminar dan workshop hari ini, serta mengetahui dokumen HDP yang telah dimiliki oleh RSUD Ungaran. Sambutan di tutup dengan menyematkan yel yel RSUD Ungaran.

Materi pertama disampaikan oleh dr. Hendro Wartatmo, Sp.BD. Beliau dapat disebut sebagai aktivis bencana yang dimiliki oleh RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. Sepak terjang beliau dalam kegawatdaruratan telah teruji selama 13 tahun menjadi ketua IGD dan sejak 2014 telah terlibat dalam banyak penanggulangan bencana nasional di Indonesia sebagai tim medis yang dikirimkan ke daerah bencana.

Selalu menarik dari apa yang disampaikan beliau. HDP itu dapat diciptakan dengan baik tanpa rumah sakit terkena bencana dahulu asalkan tidak persis meniru HDP rumah sakit lain, melainkan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi rumah sakit. Dalam pengorganisasian bencana, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah siapa yang menjadi komandan bencana? tidak harus direktur, melainkan orang yang mampu atau menguasai untuk memimpin 4 bagian di bawahnya (logistik, perencanaan, keuangan, dan operasional) pada saat bencana. Selain itu, dalam menyususn pengorganisasian bencana, struktur bukanlah hal yang baru, melainkan mencocokkan kegiatan harian menjadi situasi bencana. Akan lebih baik jika berdasarkan jabatan dari pada nama personal.

pembukaan 3

Paparan berikutnya dari dr. Bella Donna, M.Kes. Beliau menyampaikan mengenai pengorganisasian dan fasilitas HDP. Menyambung penjelasan dr. Hendro, untuk membuat pengorganisasian saat bencana dapat menggunakan metode cross walk. Kita bisa menyandingkan struktur organisasi situasi normal dengan pengorganisasian yang akan diaktifkan pada saat bencana saja.

Pada point fasilitas, beliau menjelaskan mengenai fungsi ruangan yang disiapkan jika terjadi becnana. Termasuk, hal dan alat apa saja yang harus ada pada ruangan-ruangan atau fasilitas tersebut. Misalnya Pos Komando, carilah ruangan yang aman yang jauh dari bagian operasional, digunakan untuk rapat dan koordinasi, di dalamnya tersedia peta daerah, denah rumah sakit, dan kartu tugas.

Terakhir, paparan dari dr. Sulanto Saleh Danu, Sp.FK yang menjelaskan mengenai manajemen logistik pada saat bencana. logistik pada dasarnya terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu logistik personal, logistik tim, dan logistik operasional. Jika kita berbicara mengenai HDP maka akan lebih banyak dibahas mengenai logistik operasional. Bagaimana tim logistik mampu merencanaan kebutuhan logistik dan menjamin ketersediaannya jika terjadi bencana.

Setelah istirahat siang, kegiatan dilanjutkan kembali dengan satu paparan mengenai komponen-komponen HDP oleh dr. Bella Donna, M.Kes. Komponen HDP pada dasarnya seperti daftar isi sebuah dokumen. Apa saja yang direncakan harus masuk dalam dokumen tersebut sehingga siapapun yang akan menggunakannya suatu saat bisa langsung digunakan.

pembukaan 4

Satu jam kemudian, dr. Dewi dari RSUD Ungaran memberikan sosialisasi dokumen HDP RSUD Ungaran. Analisis situasi rumah sakit terhada ancaman bahaya di Ungaran telah masuk pada latar belakang, termasuk SOP yang coba disusun dan tupoksi pada pengorganisasian HDP. Namun, seperti poin fasilitas dan bagan pengorganisasian masih perlu ditambahkan lagi. Harapannya, pada saat simulasi esok, rumah sakit mampu menjalankan HDP mereka. Apapun hasilnya akan menjadi masukan yang berharga bagi perkembangan HDP RSUD Ungaran.

Kegiatan terakhir hari ini adalah penjelasan skenario simulasi oleh Madelina Ariani, MPH. Kemudian, kelas dibagi menjadi dua tim yakni tim HDP dan tim korban. Tim korban terdiri dari petugas, staff, dan relawan dari mahasiswa magang. Sedangkan tim HDP juga dibantu oleh staff rumah sakit yang esok bertugas dalam simulasi ini. Kasus simulasi yang akan digunakan esok adalah simulasi kebakaran. Skenario ini akan terus mendapat suntikan kasus selama berlangsung nanti.

pembukaan 5

Report Day 4 Insarag 2016

Report Day 4: Thursday July, 28 2016

Coverage from the Kalasan Room
Center for Health Policy and Management (CHPM), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada-Jogja.


Yogyakarta, 25-28 July 2016

Simulation Day 2

Simulation of Emergency Medical Team second day was held on Thursday (28 July 2016) from 08:00 AM until 17:00 PM. One of the teams who enthusiastically followed the simulation with members groups from Indonesia, Malaysia and Poland. The team originally headed public health sector, where the situation is 14 days after the disaster, where still many problem, such as water shortage, many emerging disease (malaria, dysentery, diarrhea and others). Then, the team towards sectors A, B, C and D. During the journey to the whole sector, the members do sharing experience.

day4 1 insarag emt simulation

In this group, representatives of Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) communicating even when disaster happen, many people are waiting in line for free medicines and vitamins from the health post. When in sector B, many of the participants draw the same conclusion, when a disaster occurs, the uniform becomes a problem in itself, because many volunteers who are not in uniform.
Doc. CHPM FoM UGM Participant from Poland
This first task from this simulation on the second day that must be done is to examine the entire sector participants, identify needs and find the best strategy for dealing with victims and disaster management. Besides this, the team must provide feedback to the Ministry of Health in the end of simulation.
After about 30 minutes had passed, all participants sat together again with the Ministry of Health to report a number of obstacles encountered when walking visited many sectors earlier. Ashraf, a participant from Malaysia ask if there are doctors and health workers who provide services illegally, then where to report or what to do? The Ministry of Health confirms the parties, the Ministry of Health will conduct a sweep on the fourth day and will provide escort for health workers illegal.
Representatives of MDMC ask, there have been cases in one of the sectors that the vaccine runs out and there is no vaccine cold chain, then what to do? The Ministry of Health represented by Central Java Regional PPK answered teams MDMC please contact the Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office, if not there, then contact the Ministry of Health directly. Representatives from Airlangga University in the Post asking his case ketamine, antibiotics and adrenaline stolen, one of the concerns raised is that these drugs will be misused by irresponsible people. Ministry of Health to clarify the case of theft of this kind, the Ministry of Health will contact the cluster security (police and military) and it will be investigated.
Participants of the International EMT then asked the volunteers after 14 days at the site, whether local governments still need help and their aid? Ministry of Health states do not require assistance from all of the EMT (national and international) and will activate all health professionals and local health facilities that exist.

day4 2 insarag emt simulation

Participants of Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) asked if there were any casualties or patients with spinal cord injury, how work arounds? Ministry of Health explained that the patient can be referred to the state-run rehabilitation center in Bantul and Solo. The government will also ask the help of the military and police in the transfer.

Representatives of MDMC back asking if there is a patient with a psychiatric disorder, Should MDMC team to be done? Central Java Regional PPK stated, please contact RS Grhasia Pakem (Sleman) to care for these patients. This is a special hospital for psychiatric disorders.

Question of the representation Panembahan Senopati Hospital is that if there are three bodies that have not been well identified, what to do? The Ministry of Health stated, immediately contact the Department of Health and the local Regional PPK, these two institutions that will connect to the police, where the DVI will help.

After a long discussion and fun, participants take a rest for an hour and then back again to the discussion room. The themes discussed next is a matter of what the final findings of the whole circuit simulation is an emergency medical team. The Ministry of Health stated, there are some crucial matters summarized from many EMT International reporting to the Post Ministry of Health, including: clean water, infrastructure damaged and the limited vaccine.

Thus, the Ministry of Health provides a number of solutions. First, the supply of clean water taps Inside Commander will cooperate in providing them. Then the damaged infrastructure, the Ministry will contact the Ministry of Public Works. Lastly, the vaccine will be promoted and distributed. Closing statement of the Regional PPK is the data from field hospital / emergency no longer exists referred patients.

Harris Kurniawan, SKM as the representative of regional PPK stated simulating international EMT's provide a lot of new experiences, one of which is the management organization of EMT and how to receive and distribute foreign aid to Indonesia, both human resources, as well as other drugs.

Representatives of Poland states, we (EMT international) should have been contact with the volunteers or local NGO before the international EMT dating because of differences in language and culture. In fact, the information related to the disaster area is dominated local volunteers. Representatives from China asserted, international EMT simulation is very useful and hope in the future, we all international volunteers could become one family.

EMT International of China and Japan agreed to, the current constraints EMT team of international is when registering at the local post where when interacting with people in Indonesia who lack good English skills. International EMT China and Japan said they were very stressed at the beginning of his arrival in Indonesia.

Closing statement of the representative of the international EMT is the difficulty of collecting daily reports, what's being done every day for providing services at the site. At the end of the session, the Ministry of Health requested that all international EMT register how many patients who were transferred from the emergency hospital as well as tools, or anything that will be donated to the Indonesian authorities.

Closing INSARAG International Simulation EMT 2016

Closing of the international EMT simulations have been conducted on Thursday, July 28th, 2016 at 16:00 pm at the Inna Garuda Hotel. Delivered closing remarks of the three parties, from INSARAG, UNOCHA and BASARNAS. In addition, the handover keepsake simulation to four volunteers are representatives of China, Indonesia (BASARNAS), ASEAN and Australia Rapid Statement Med. Party UNOCHA stated international EMT simulation is very challenging and fun. UNOCHA also expressed great gratitude for outstanding hospitality BASARNAS.


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