

Report Day 1 EMT Session

Report Day 1 EMT Session, Monday July, 25 2016

Coverage from the Nakula Sadewa Room
Center for Health Policy and Management (CHPM), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada-Jogja.


Yogyakarta, 25-28 July 2016


Emergency Medical Team Session

Our country is considered by many as a country that is plagued with disasters. These disasters are either caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, floods, tsunami, and many other causes or from human activities such as bombing terrors, civil unrest, fire or even accidents at work due to human negligence. As part of the ERT (Emergency Response Team), the Medical Emergency Response Team (EMT) focuses on providing medical assistance to the disaster victim.


ERP (Emergency Response Plan)  management system is always needed and must ready to be implemented in the event of an emergency, therefore it is advised that every corporation incorporate ERP management system as early as possible. One of the many ways to learn it is through dissemination and Emergency Response Plan exercises, followed by routine and continuous exercises.

It is hoped that through this exercise, participants will acquire knowledge in meaning disaster and conduct emergency techniques accurately. The purposes of the exercise are as follows:

  • To coordinate Emergency Planning efforts/ERP (Emergency Response Plan) therefore efficiency and effectiveness can achieved in managing emergency.
  • To have the proper understanding with the logistics of things concerning with ERP (Emergency Response Plan) as a system that is always needed and implemented in the event of an emergency therefore emergency response can be carried out quickly and with precision.
  • To understand the risk of emergency situation and exercise preparedness in managing emergency situation therefore anxiety and panic can be managed.
  • To be better prepared in reducing the risk of more loses in the event of an emergency.  
  • To manage procedures in conducting Emergency Response thus reducing company loss.
  • To ensure that control measures and ERP (Emergency Response Plan) is well organized.


Report Day 1, Monday July, 25 2016
Nakula Sadewa Room, Inna Garuda Hotel


Yogyakarta, 25-28 July 2016

INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional Earthquake Response Exercise was held in Inna Garuda Hotel, Malioboro on Monday, July 25, 2016. The opening ceremony begins with the singing of the Indonesian national anthem by all of the INSARAG participants, and then followed by Gambyong traditional dance.

The opening speech came from Mr. Gatot as the Yogyakarta Special Region representative. In his speech, he was very pleased to have the INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional Earthquake Response Exercise held in Yogyakarta. This exercise would increase the capabilities of community of Search and Rescue Agencies especially in managing with earthquakes disaster. This exercise would also create awareness both for the people and the government in Yogyakarta Special Region in managing and providing relief aid due to earthquakes disaster. Furthermore, the regional government views this exercise as an opportunity for Yogyakarta to become the local representative for Indonesia in the international community.

Mr.Zhao Ming, as the head of INSARAG Asia Pacific Regional added that reflecting from the Banda Aceh tsunami in 2004, Indonesia has demonstrated the ability as a nation capable in dealing with unexpected challenges emerged from such natural disaster.  As a developing country and as a nation that is plagued with natural disaster, it is hoped that through this exercise, Indonesia would like to be ready in managing all kinds of natural disaster.  

Mr.Oliver Lacey Hall, Head of OCHA Indonesia/ASEAN Liaison Officer stated that through this exercise it enables a nation to reinforce its safety lines and relief aid, especially Indonesia. As a nation, Indonesia has to be ready at all times to deal with natural disaster.

Supporting statement arise also from the head of the Indonesia Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS), Air Marshall Mr. FHB Soelistyo, he conceded that there is an opportunity to cooperate and coordinate with other nations and continue its commitment for humanity. It is hoped that in the near future this development of readiness will be maintained and developed along with Indonesia’s regional partner and it can also become a valuable experience and an opportunity for collaboration with the regional government that is hit with the natural disaster as a response to the Indonesian people concerning health and safety in the event of a disaster.

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