

“Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Policies - in the health sector”

CC-MAP Workshop April 15th-19th 2013
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Workshop Climate Change and Adaptation Policies in the Health Sector yang diselenggarakan oleh FK UGM dan Umea University merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari workshop serupa yang pernah digelar awal tahun 2013 di Swedia. Workshop kali ini diarahkan langsung untuk melihat keadaan Kabupaten Gunung Kidul sebagai daerah yang akan menjadi model percontohan pemanfaatan sistem informasi kesehatan.

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Jadwal Kegiatan



Presentations by

Monday, April 15

09:00 – 09.30

Opening ceremony

  • Opening remarks and Welcome speech


Dean Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada

09.30 – 10.00

Intro to CC-MAP project

Dr. Maria Nilsson

Prof.Hari Kusnanto

10.00 – 12.00

Effects on health in the district as a result of climate change

Dr. Joacim Rocklov



Prof. Hari Kusnanto

12.00 – 13.00

Lunch break


13.00 – 15.00

Decision Making Process in Health in Gunungkidul


Gunungkidul Govt.


Ehealth situation and readiness assessment in Gunungkidul

DHO Gunungkidul



Prof. Laksono Trisnantoro

15.00 – 16.00

Discussion (policy meeting)

Dr. Maria Nilsson

Tuesday, April 16

10.00 – 12.00

Biomedical engineering and informatics - a fundamental brick when developing and implementing eHealth applications

Prof. Ronnie Lundström



Preliminary result CCB analysis and ehealth readiness


12:00 – 13.00

Lunch break


13.00 – 15.00

Disaster preparedness and response

Dr.Handoyo Pramusinto

Dr. Bella Donna

15.00 – 16.00



Wednesday, April 17

08.00 – 16.00

Field visit to Gunungkidul

RSUD Wonosari

Gunungkidul DHO/PHC



Gunungkiul Government


Thu, April 18

09.00 – 12.00

ICLD discussion

Visit to Sardjito Hospital

Dr.Asa Holmner

Dr.Handoyo Pramusinto

12.00 – 16.00





Frid, April 19

09.00 – 12.00

Concluding Discussion

Dr. Maria Nilsson
Prof Hari Kusnanto
Prof Laksono Trisnantoro

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